Linear Motor Sizing Form
First Name
Last Name
What force is required?
What is the weight of your payload?
What is the required acceleration?
What is the time required to complete the travel?
What is the total required travel?
What is the duty cycle for force or acceleration required?
What is the required velocity?
Open or closed loop operation?
Does your motor require bearings?
What is the ambient temperature of the application?
Horizontal or vertical orientation?
What is the available power source?
[DC/AC-single/AC:Three phase]
Please describe to us in as much detail as possible about your application in the space provided below. Please e-mail or fax any sketches, CAD drawings, velocity profiles, or system specifications you may have.
This is usually enough information to get us going with the selection process. One of our engineers will contact you directly to discuss your application in detail and determine which one of our products will best suit your requirements.